Etiqueta: Evocation

The art of evocation (Part 2)

Part 2 -Practice- To be successful in magic in general, but in the Art of Evocation in particular, it is only necessary to know what one is doing. Evocation is an advanced practice, but how advanced? You have to have previous training in magic to be successful, it is...

The art of evocation (Part 1)

-Part 1- Theory Evocation is perhaps one of the most complex practices there is. This has a simple explanation, the lack of understanding of the mechanism behind this type of ritual. In this essay, I will try to give a little clarity on the subject, hoping to reveal a...

Magic Praxis

I always say that the Draconian Path is 90% practice and 10% theory, however, it is not easy to be an active practitioner of magic, and this has to do in part with the expectations we have about magic itself, our daily reality, and essentially, overcome the laziness that...

Clauneck and the Lesser Magic

-Second part- We continue with the second part of this post dedicated to the lesser magic and today in particular to Clauneck. Before going to the operative part, and evoke and invoke, we must understand a little how this works. Yes, each experience is unique, but in general, one...

Introduction to the Draconian Path (Part 18)

Week 3 The evocation of Klepoth: Scrying’s Work The art of evocation is one of the most complex techniques to learn and it usually frustrates candidates for initiation, however, constant practice makes the skills expand and one achieves the objective. However, it must first be understood that there are...