Etiqueta: Ritual

Clauneck and the Lesser Magic

-Second part- We continue with the second part of this post dedicated to the lesser magic and today in particular to Clauneck. Before going to the operative part, and evoke and invoke, we must understand a little how this works. Yes, each experience is unique, but in general, one...

Journey to the Kingdom of the Moon Goddesses

This is a ritual that is intended to be carried out in a complete lunar cycle, that is, 28 days. Each invocation and meditation will be carried out at the respective lunar phase. We will start with the moon goddess Naamah (crescent), we will continue with Lilith (full moon),...

Invoking Tiamat

This is an invocation ritual that brings profound transformations in the life of the initiate. Tiamat, the Dragon Goddess of Chaos, is the primal force from which everything has arisen. It is recommended to perform this ritual when the moon is in its most powerful phase, Full Moon or...

Invocación de Tiamat

Este es un ritual de invocación que trae transformaciones muy profundas en la vida del iniciado. Tiamat, la Diosa Dragón del Caos, es la fuerza primordial de la que todo ha surgido. Se recomienda realizar este ritual cuando la luna está en su fase de más poder, Luna Llena...