Etiqueta: Draconian

Introduction to the Draconian Path (Part 23)

Summoning the Bearer of Light Continuing with the practice, this time we will invoke Lucifer in our «temple of flesh.» This will be an experience of communion, where we will seek the guidance and advice of Lucifer for our initiatory advance on the path. The objective of the ritual...

Introduction to the Draconian Path (Part 1)

Part 1 Since I started my publications in Diario de un Brujo, I have received countless emails with a question: how do I get started on the path? I have always tried to give clear answers on the subject, but unfortunately, they have not been satisfactory, they have not...

Invoking Tiamat

This is an invocation ritual that brings profound transformations in the life of the initiate. Tiamat, the Dragon Goddess of Chaos, is the primal force from which everything has arisen. It is recommended to perform this ritual when the moon is in its most powerful phase, Full Moon or...