Etiqueta: Astral Magic

Magic Praxis

I always say that the Draconian Path is 90% practice and 10% theory, however, it is not easy to be an active practitioner of magic, and this has to do in part with the expectations we have about magic itself, our daily reality, and essentially, overcome the laziness that...

Let’s talk about Dream Magic

Dear readers, in today’s essay I want to talk about dream magic, since together with the rituals of evocation, they are in my opinion one of the most complex skills to master, and it is something that runs through the draconian tradition all the time. Dream magic is still...

Introduction to the Draconian Path (Part 17)

Week 2 Dream Work with Klepoth For this second week, we will focus on seeking contact with the spirit through dreams, Klepoth being a master of astral vision, it should not be too complex to get in touch with him through this medium. However, if it does not come...

Journey to the Kingdom of the Moon Goddesses

This is a ritual that is intended to be carried out in a complete lunar cycle, that is, 28 days. Each invocation and meditation will be carried out at the respective lunar phase. We will start with the moon goddess Naamah (crescent), we will continue with Lilith (full moon),...