Etiqueta: gods

The Masks of Divinity

Defining the nature of the divinities (gods, demons, spirits, etc.) is a daunting task. The first thing we have to be clear about is that there is no more accurate vision of divinity than the other because there are no totalitarian and/or unique truths since the experience is subjective...

Dragons and Serpents of the Abyss (I)

I believe that this project should begin with a question that a priori seems simple to answer but that can have many possible answers: What the Dragon is? At first, I will try to answer this question from the theoretical side and as we progress in the project we...

Introduction to the Draconian Path (Part 6)

Gods, Demons and other Spirits of the Path There are many visions and interpretations of what these entities are or are not, but one of the problems we have in the modern era is to underestimate the enormous power that these beings have, many acts as if these forces...