Etiqueta: occult

Magic and Spirituality

Over the years, people have grown interested in embracing a more relaxed, alternative form of spirituality. This shift is characterized by a departure from rigid doctrines and the absence of looming threats related to the afterlife. This trend has emerged as traditional religions have seemingly lost their guiding principles,...

The Dragon and the Path of the Night

Beginnings With the arrival of 2023, I am celebrating 30 years doing magic, and they are not few, nothing more and nothing less than 30 years doing this. The truth is that I wanted, in part, to commemorate such an event, but I also feel the internal need to...

Introduction to the Draconian Path (Part 1)

Part 1 Since I started my publications in Diario de un Brujo, I have received countless emails with a question: how do I get started on the path? I have always tried to give clear answers on the subject, but unfortunately, they have not been satisfactory, they have not...