Introduction to the Draconian Path (Final Part)

Initiation into the Draconian Current

With this part of the guide, we are going to end this Introduction to Draconian Magic. It took time and effort to make something accessible to everyone, and above all, I hope that it has served those who want to take their first steps on this wonderful path.

However, before we can get to the practical side of this, we need to consider a few points about what initiation is. First of all, there is not a single initiation, but there are many and each one is completely individual, there will be some major initiations and others minor, some will be through rituals and others will have to do with aspects of the magician’s life that change towards the Other Side. Initiation is something individual, and far from what any group, order, or temple can propose. Let us differentiate the initiation in a group, as a way of achieving a degree that puts us in this or that status within a group than the true initiation that is something intimate, spiritual and that each one has it in the time of maturation that it should.

The processes within the Draconian Path are solitary, although we can have the support of a more advanced magician to perform the ritual, it will be something that we must do in our own time, and above all, not a right or wrong way of doing things. What matters are the real and tangible results that we have from what we are going to do. If there are no real changes in the psyche and life, since the initiation was useless, magic is change and transformation, both internal and external.

Thus, the search for each one will be something personal and unique, so before taking or performing any rite of this type, we must be aware of where and how we want to get there. This act should not be taken lightly, but you should think a lot, and above all, have trained before, otherwise, it will be meaningless.

The ritual that he presented here was one of the first initiation rituals that I performed many years ago and that allowed me to affirm my desire to walk this path.

This will be the beginning of your first steps towards self-deification, but not the only one, on the contrary, it will be the first of many. This is why you must meditate a lot on what you are going to do, as you should also have practiced and had a good development of your skills, for this the guide was created, but only you will be able to know if you are ready or not for the initiation. It is worth saying that if you need to ask me something or want to share an experience, you just have to write me an email and I will answer it with pleasure.

Without further ado, let’s get down to business…

The Day Before Initiation:

The day before initiation you should perform a Kundalini meditation, followed by the invocation of the Dragon, this will allow you to strengthen your astral body and more easily get in touch with the energies of the Draconian Current.

-First day-

Do the Kundalini meditation, followed by the Dragon Invocation. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, breathe deeply and slowly until you achieve a light trance, then begin as the visualization of the following scenario:

You are sitting in a meditative posture, you are on a rock, and in front of you is a barren mountainous landscape. The trees are old, leafless and the branches are bent. Everything is gray and dark, the wind blows strong between the rocks. Dark and stormy clouds form in the sky. The earth is cracked and stony. The atmosphere is heavy and you can feel that something is watching you, but no one is around. You are on top of a mountain, near the rock there is a river or a stream, you can hear the noise of running water. In the distance, you can see a small cave entrance, the one that leads into a mountain. You stand up and look around. Feel the atmosphere of the place. You go into the cave and look inside, the entrance is too small for a man, but you can look inside. The place appears to be the mouth of a wild beast, with stalactites and stalagmites, forming sharp teeth. Inside the cave, you may smell a strange smell, possibly blood. You hear the hiss of a snake coming from afar, it somehow reminds you of some strange language, but you can understand the words. Above the entrance, the symbol of LILITH is engraved on a rock. Let your imagination run wild and create the rest of the scenario. When you’re done, take a deep breath and return to your normal state of consciousness.

-Day Two-

Do the Kundalini meditation, followed by the Dragon Invocation. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, breathe deeply and slowly until you achieve a light trance, then begin as the visualization of the following scenario:

Start by visualizing the scenario of the day before. Once again you find yourself at the entrance of the cave and look around you, you can smell the moisture coming out of the center of the cave and you can see poisonous and dense fumes. Around you is a barren and lifeless passage. You walk away from the cave and walk through the tangled branches of the dead trees. There, under or hidden you see an entrance, for the moment nothing happens. The silence and the day, little by little are coming to an end. After some time out of the cave, a huge snake crawls out. That is to say, it is not a mere animal, you feel its demonic characteristics, it has piercing eyes and you feel a loud hiss and you see the toxic fumes that surround the place. You notice that the snake crawls, you notice that it has four legs that have sharp scales and claws. You go towards the cliffs and you see that it grows wings. It consumes the water in a fountain, leaving everything with a greenish mist. The time changes again and the snake slides into the cave.

-Day Three-

Do the Kundalini meditation, followed by the Dragon Invocation. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, breathe deeply and slowly until you achieve a light trance, then begin as the visualization of the following scenario:

Once again you return to the mountain, focus on the atmosphere and space around you, adjust your astral senses to see the landscape around you. When you are comfortable, see that you are holding a sword in your hands, it is sharp and heavy. You realize that today you will face the beast, think about this for a moment. Think about how you feel about the dragon and the primal instincts and wild nature. Take your time meditating on this. After this, focus on your surroundings, you look down the side of the mountain and you see the shape of a snake, you see snake shapes in the trees and tree branches, in the wind you can hear how the snake whistle, everything around you forms the body of a dragon. You have to awaken the power of the dragon in yourself. After a while, you feel the ground shaking below you and the snake comes out of its cave, spreading poisonous gases around you. Go to meet him and raise the sword, without hesitation, you bury the sword in the chest of the beast. You hear a high-pitched scream and feel the poisonous fumes rising from the fallen body. Allow adrenaline and power to wash over you. The ground trembles under your feet as lightning strikes, large drops of rainfall from the sky. Feel the ecstasy of victory and unity with the wild nature around you.

-Day Four-

Do the Kundalini meditation, followed by the Dragon Invocation. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, breathe deeply and slowly until you achieve a light trance, then begin as the visualization of the following scenario:

Start the visualization by seeing yourself as you return to the rock, take a moment to perceive the atmosphere, then walk towards the body of the dragon that lies on the ground, it is huge. Look at the body, when you get to the head, you see a green glow coming from under the closed eyelids. One eye opens and a beam of green energy comes out of it that leaves you paralyzed, you remain standing in the place without being able to move. At this point you can hear a dragon that speaks to you, its voice is like the hissing noise of a snake, you hear it in your head and it tells you: “I am the one who lives in the dark desert of the soul”, “I am the flesh and the blood of the world ”,“ I am part of you and you are part of me ”,“ I have been defeated but I am still alive and talking to you ”,“ I am eternal and infinite ”,“ Take into account what to You are my power, can you find it in yourself? ». The dragon must now give you a personal message intended exclusively for you, a word, seal, image, etc. When he finishes speaking, his eyes close again and you can move freely again. You touch the body of the dragon, it is warm and its inner fire has not expired. Take your sword and cut his heart, drink the hot blood, and eat what is left. Feel the essence of the dragon, feel how it permeates you as you eat the pieces of the rotten heart. In your stomach a fire is created that spreads throughout your body, beating through your veins, burning your brain. You fall to the ground in pain, your body begins to change, your body is covered in scales, your legs and arms are reptilian, wings begin to grow and you become a dragon completely. Take your time to visualize the complete transformation.

-Day Five-

Do the Kundalini meditation, followed by the Dragon Invocation. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, breathe deeply and slowly until you get a light trance, then begin as the visualization of the following scenario:

Go back to the last point of your meditation. Start by visualizing the scenes and then focus on your dragon form, focus on your body, and the feelings that accompany the transition. You are stronger and more alive than ever, you are full of power and the essence of the dragon is in you. The body of the dragon now lies lifeless, it is an empty shell. You know that there is no longer the soul of the dragon, now it is inside you. With your dragon form, you can finally enter the cave and see what is inside it. You approach the entrance, the symbol etched at the top glows and has a fiery glow. You look at the symbol and your wings and legs begin to disappear, you change to the shape of a snake, so you can easily pass through a narrow passage. You crawl inside, you find yourself surrounded by toxic fumes and vapors, but you no longer feel their negative effects, now they are part of you. The cave is small and narrow, it extends in the form of a tunnel, with your snake form, you move through the tunnel. A bright red light flickers on the walls. Stalactites and stalagmites grow on the ceiling and on the floor that resembles teeth that run saliva. You do not see what is above or below, but you begin to swim in a static trance, into the depths of the abyss. The tunnel ends abruptly and in front of you lies a vast chamber, the bottom of which is a lake filled with a thick red liquid similar to blood. The smell of blood spreads around you, eyes that glow in the dark are watching you. After a while, a woman emerges from the liquid, it is Lilith. She holds out a hand and smiles at you. Allow the vision to flow freely, let the goddess be the one who guides you and who welcomes you to the world of darkness.

-Day Six-

Do the Kundalini meditation, followed by the Dragon Invocation. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, breathe deeply and slowly until you achieve a light trance, then begin as the visualization of the following scenario:

Begin by visualizing the scene where the previous one ended. You are in a huge cave, in the bowels of the earth, you are standing in a lake of blood. You are a dragon, focus on this. The cave is empty, there is no one but you. Collect the blood of the lake with a cup, you realize that it is the same blood as that of the dragon. The entire cave beats and breathes, it seems to be a living being, the blood through your veins beats at the same rate. Suddenly you feel the ground under your feet melt and collapse, at the same time your wings vanish, you become a snake again. In front of you is another dark tunnel, go towards it, drive down. The tunnel walls are black, it looks like black lava, like a hot paste that begins to emit smoke. It shines a red light, it is like fire but much darker. The further you go, it gets darker until everything turns a black glow. After a while you reach the end of the tunnel, for a moment everything is black and empty. You feel that you begin to change again, once again you are a dragon, the glow of your aura illuminates the emptiness a little. You are in a completely black sphere, its walls exude heat and cold, you see the flickering of thousands of rays, it is as if you were inside a giant black diamond. In front of you and the darkness a huge shadow appears, it is also in the shape of a dragon, just like yours, but your body is the essence of life and fire and it is darkness and decadence, it is surrounded by an aura of death. Only his eyes shine with an unearthly radiance, after a while his eyes meet yours. When they begin to see each other, you begin to feel the shadow, it begins to penetrate you, it penetrates your body and becomes one with you. You feel a connection with something familiar and close to you, but it is not necessarily something pleasant, it is something that you fear. After a while, the fear passes and there are acceptance and understanding. There is a personal and intimate feeling. You begin to feel hot and cold and your body begins to transform again, your dragon body begins to become human.

-Day Seventh-

Do the Kundalini meditation, followed by the Dragon Invocation. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, breathe deeply and slowly until you achieve a light trance, then begin as the visualization of the following scenario:

Begin by visualizing that you are in the black sphere, in the black diamond. Sit in a meditation posture, your body has a human form, the essence of the dragon still flows inside you, you emanate peace, strength, and power. Breathe evenly and constantly, the place breathes at the same rate as you. With each breath, you begin to emanate and the energy begins to penetrate you, at the same time the sphere begins to slowly disappear, at the same time, your body begins to darken and shine as if it had been created with the essence of the black diamond. After a while, you see that the sphere has completely disappeared and you find yourself in the center of the cosmic void. In the distance you can see the stars and planets, you are in the center of the infinite and eternal mind, the source of all creation. You can expand your consciousness and touch each place of infinity since the whole world is nothing more than a projection of your mind and nothing happens in it without your will.

Once again you find yourself where it all began, at the top of the cliff, where the first encounter with the dragon arose. You see that the scenario has changed, the dragon has destroyed all the obstacles in your way, meditate on what you want to achieve.

After you return to your normal consciousness, take a few minutes, followed by summoning the Draconian Guardians into your temple. Draw with your dagger the symbol of the «Key of the Night» on your altar, observing how it shines in red and gold colors, while you say:

I (Magic Name) ignite the Dragon flame and declare my will on this earth as in the depths of eternity.

Lucifer, give me your divine light.

Lilith opens the doors of the night for me.

The ancient Dragon unites what is above with what is below and becomes the flame of a torch, which will illuminate my path.

Let the ritual begin!



At this point, you should recite your initiation ritual intention, a declaration of your intentions to initiate yourself on the Draconian Path. This is personal, there is no «right» or «wrong» way, what matters is that your intention is well marked, be creative, and above all put everything of yourself.

After this, close your eyes, meditate, absorb the power, let the experience flow naturally, and do not forget to write down all your experience in your magical journal.

My dear readers, with this we finalize the guide on the Draconian Path. Remember that this is only the beginning journey and not an end, the Path is full of mysteries waiting to be discovered, new initiations, new challenges. Always remember that there are no better teachers than our guides, Gods, Demons, and Creatures who are the true Mentors of the Draconian Current.

I hope you liked it, and I am always here to share an experience, a comment, or clarify any questions.

Greetings, blessings, and may the Flame of the Primal Dragon burn on all who have heard the Call.

Ho Drakon Ho Megas!

Daemon Barzai.

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