Introduction to the Draconian Path (Part 4)

Left-Hand Path, Right-Hand Path

Behind every Magical Current that seeks an initiatory process, it has as its base some kind of philosophy that supports it, as a general rule these schools identify with either the Right-Hand Path or the Left-Hand Path. This concept is taken from Tantra, an aspect that we will not go into detail here since it is something that comes from the East and that to understand it properly, I should write an entire book on the subject, although I must confess that I am not an expert in the subject, so I could only give a partial view and it is not my intention. However, I have extensive experience and knowledge about the concept as it is seen in the West and ultimately it is the subject that concerns us. In many cases, this division has become an object of discussion and controversy, since superficially they would be different philosophical visions, enemy, and opposite, but as I said, it is a superficial vision. Here, we come back to a complex point, the dogmas, many initiatory schools have very strong dogmas, almost unbreakable rules that are supposed to describe an absolute truth. But in reality, there are no absolute truths, the lines that divide one thing with the other sometimes cross and the edges disappear, there are many paths that are not defined either for one side or the other, but are somewhere in between. Others do, and it has a very clear line of thought about how they work. I approach the path from the vision of the Left-Hand Path, however, do not do it in a dogmatic or closed way, since I consider that the universe maintains a natural balance and that what is dark today can be light and vice versa.

But let’s see what each of these philosophies says, the right-hand path seeks union with divinity, this is the last goal, to experience the whole and merge with that all. Of course, this sounds very abstract, but this is something that is very advanced on the path and it is very complex to be able to explain in words because merging with that whole will be a unique experience for each magician, so no two experiences will be completely the same. Now, the left-hand path proposes something completely different, instead of merging with the whole, taking a step further, jumping into the Void, and becoming a God, a creator of our universe. It sounds great, but it is a titanic task.

The procedures and ways of seeing spirits, gods, and other entities, is also different from one philosophy to the other. The right path does not work with «dark» entities, not at least up to high levels of initiation where they are confronted with them. This philosophy proposes the abandonment of everything earthly, of abandoning our egos, desires, and elements that connect with the material. Thus, the person who follows this philosophy should let go of any attachment or desire that holds him together with what is considered impure. This is somewhat complex, since repressing the «dark» and mundane aspects of being can lead to profound imbalances, and facing all those internal demons at the same time can be tortuous and extremely dangerous.

The philosophy of the left, at least on the draconian path, sees man as a potential god, and believes that there is nothing impossible, with each initiatory level, the man not only becomes more complete but is acquiring a greater understanding of their being, their reality and their universe, this makes the path draw a very strong line of independence. The left path exposes the initiate from the first moment in contact with what is dark, it generates that one confronts the own darkness, not repressing these aspects but taking advantage of and taking advantage of this.

Spirits, gods and demons are not seen as elements to be pushed aside, trapped in magic circles or even threatened, but as allies, mentors, and teachers of the path, we see these entities as the true guides of the path, those that will teach us the steps that we must take to gain this spiritual independence and reach self-deification. Of course, this is not free, everything has a price, it requires a lot of work and before we can consider all these entities our allies or teachers, we must learn to work with them, to earn their trust, to pass their tests and ordeals. Hence, this path is so long, and that many are not able to bear it, and it is because they fall onto this path with the fantasy of gaining powers and doing spectacular things, but they do not see what lies behind.

Initiatic processes, whatever the philosophy may be, will never be simple, if a process does not generate changes, both in the consciousness of the initiate and in his daily life, there is something that we are not doing well. Everything we do with conscience and conviction will give us results. No philosophy is good at all or bad at all, each one has its questions and each one must decide which is the correct path for each one, this is something that nobody can tell you.

As to summarize the chapter and make some things clear, on the left path, we do not use the same methods and systems as the right path, since we do not see gods, spirits, and demons in the same way that the other path does. Hence we do not employ protective triangles or circles, the evoked/invoked entities are our guests, not our prisoners or slaves. We do not fear the unknown, the dark and the twisted, but we see it as elements that can lead us to personal power, we have a deep respect for this world but we also have it for the other, we assume responsibility for our actions and we not look for scapegoats, we understand that human nature is full of elements considered obscure, and these elements can be used for our personal growth.

I hope this chapter sheds some light on the difference between one philosophy and the other, as any discussion of philosophy can be talked about until the end of time but it is not the idea behind this guide.

Daemon Barzai

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