How to start a magic project

As magicians we are all the time finalizing projects and starting others, some of these take a few months and others take several years to complete, what’s more, many times we are working on two and even three projects at the same time, of course, each one on separate days. However, many do not know very well how to start their first project and how to finish it, therefore, in this essay, we will see some things that I have been applying for years with good results and I hope that it can serve as a guide or kick-start in your magical projects.

The first thing that you will have to do before getting down to business is to make a list with some questions that you will have to answer, this serves as a guide after you have already done several projects on your own, the things tend to be a bit more spontaneous, but to begin with, it would be nice to write down and answer the following questions:

What is the purpose of this project?

Many times we start with something that we are not clear about why we are doing it, which ends in nothing, failing, and we will only have wasted time. So why do I do what I do? There is no single or correct answer, nor does it have to be a mystical answer, sometimes we are just drawn to do nothing, and then we understand why. Not everything in a magical project is to achieve the transcendence of being.

How long will the project last?

It is extremely important to know the time that we are going to dedicate to a project. Things cannot be eternal, without time or for periods of years, simply because we will lose enthusiasm in what we are doing, it happens to all of us. A magical project cannot be a routine, it has to be something that excites us, that makes us want to do it. If, on the contrary, it is something heavy, which we do out of obligation, it simply fails. On the other hand, it is important to learn to close things, to give way to the new, to other energies. If we are doing something for indeterminate times, we do not mature, we are only focusing on one thing. Moreover, this is one of the main reasons why collective projects fail because they become dense elements of which the initial enthusiasm is no longer felt and people end up leaving them.

What skills do I need to have developed for my project?

Until your skills are completely polished and you have ample control of your astral senses, you must know in advance what you need to have developed for your project to prosper. For example, if we are going to conduct a project that has to do with evoking this or that spirit, but we do not master Scrying, or our astral senses are still developing, we may not have the best of the results, or we simply let’s get frustrated because nothing happens. So, it is necessary to know in advance what skills I am going to use around a project to know if I am at the level of what I want to do, and if not, it is a sign that there is still training to be able to advance.

Other things to keep in mind:

For a new magical project, it is necessary to work in stages, the first is to know what I want to do and what is the reason why I am going to do it, the second is to have as to whether this project I am going to start from scratch or is it something that others have already worked on. If I start from scratch, it will be up to me to have to investigate and do the whole process, if it is something that has already been done by other magicians, it is necessary that you read the whole process and see if that adapts to what you are wanting to do, and above all, to your processes. If not, you can always take the license to modify the ritual, no matter if the document says otherwise. Always keep in mind that this is your initiation path and what serves me in a way, you may have to adapt it to yours so that it fits and works for you.

In any magical project, it is necessary to be observant, intuitive, open-minded and above all critical, we never take for granted that this or that element is an absolute or total truth. That makes us avoid falling into dogmas or totalitarian truths. When we progress in what we do, we leave a written record with the results, this will allow us to see later how everything worked. At the moment a detail may not seem relevant to you, but believe me that in the future, when you reread your magical diary, you will discover a world.

To finish, I believe that it is possible to grow spiritually and magically through these processes, in turn, it is necessary to approach each project that we do seriously, but without dogmas, or believing that it is sacred and that only we are capable of understanding the truth of the hidden world because that only leads you to the illusion of believing yourself special and superior to the rest, or worse, if these statements are said by others and you believe them, you are only giving power to someone else over you. I believe that the processes are individual, and for each sincere seeker, the Other Side reveals what they have to see or experience, sometimes this takes the form of personal messages that are only for us, and other times, they can be shared so that others can inspire or take that which serves you. It is also necessary that at some point during your initiation you take charge of your magic and dare to do the same, perhaps starting by modifying and adapting someone else’s ritual, and then unleashing your creation. This is not an all-in-one, so you should have a modicum of judgment, but if you do it with respect and use your intuition, there is no right or wrong way to do things.

I hope this little essay helps those who are often somewhat lost when it comes to doing their rituals or starting a magical project.

Daemon Barzai

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